- Université de Technologie de Compiègne
- Temps universel coordonné
- Coordinated Universal Time
- Chief Utilitiesman
- Ultimate Tools Catalog
- Unable to Comply
- Unable to Contact
- Uncle Tom Cobley
- Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Under the Cabinet
- Under the Counter
- under these conditions
- Uni-Traveling Carrier
- Unicode Technical Committee
- Unified Testing Criteria
- Unified Transportation Command
- Unique Tracked Component
- Unit Tasking Code
- Unit Type Code
- United Technologies Corporation
- United Telecom Council
- United Theological College
- United Trading Company
- United Transformer Corporation
- Universal Test Client
- Universal Time Clock
- Universal Time Code
- Universal Time Converted
- Universal Time Coordinated
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- University Teaching Council
- University Technology Centre
- University Towne Centre
- University Transportation Centers
- Until Completion
- Until Task Completed
- Up the Creek
- Upper Troposphere Cloud
- Uppsala Theory Circle
- Urban Target Complex
- Urban Traffic Control
- Urban Transit Club
- Urgent Target Change
- User Type Code
- Utah Technology Commission
- Utilities and Transportation Commission
- Utilities Telecommunication Council