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Traduzione irlandese


Scusi per l'inglese, capisco un poco dell'italiano, ma non lo parlo bene.!

The standard form of the name of the Irish language in Irish is Gaeilge. This is really the only one you need to include.

Gaolainn is the southern (Munster) dialect form, but is often used to mean only that dialect.
Gaedhlaing is just an old, out-of-date form of Gaolainn (they are pronounced the same in that dialect).
Gaedhilge (or Gaeḋilge) are just the old spellings of Gaeilge prior to the 1947 spelling reform. Nota bene: Gaedhlige is just wrong.

Moilleadóir 05:33, 3 ott 2007 (CEST)