
Da Wikizionario, il dizionario a contenuto aperto.

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var ajax = new objAJAX()
var cookies = new objCookies()
function objAJAX() {
// AJAX taken from Thanx :)
this.conn = false
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
// and security blocked creation of the objects.
try {
this.conn = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
} catch (e) {
try {
this.conn = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
} catch (E) {
this.conn = false
@end @*/
if (!this.conn && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
try {
this.conn = new XMLHttpRequest()
} catch (e) {
this.conn =false
if (!this.conn && window.createRequest) {
try {
this.conn = window.createRequest()
} catch (e) {
this.conn = false
this.url = null
this.requestType = "GET"
this.unsync = true
this.parser = new objHTMLparser()
objAJAX.prototype.sendRequest = function (url, type, unsync, data) {
if (!this.conn)
return null
if (this.conn.readyState != 0 && this.conn.readyState != 4)
return "busy"
if (url)
this.url = url
if (type)
this.requestType = type
if (unsync != null)
this.unsync = unsync
//alert(this.requestType + " ++ " + this.url + " ++ " + this.unsync), this.url, this.unsync)
objAJAX.prototype.getResult = function () {
if (!this.conn)
return null
return this.conn.responseText
objAJAX.prototype.abort = function () {
this.conn.onreadystatechange = null
function objCookies() {
this.value = null = null
this.expires = null
objCookies.prototype.get = function (which) {
this.allcookies = document.cookie
var start = this.allcookies.indexOf("; " + which + "=")
if (start == -1) {
start = this.allcookies.indexOf(which + "=")
if (start != 0)
return null
} else
start += "; ".length = which
var end = this.allcookies.indexOf(";", start)
if (end == -1)
end = this.allcookies.length
this.value = this.allcookies.substring(start + which.length + 1, end)
var arr = this.allcookies.substring(start, this.allcookies.length).split("; ")
this.expires = null
if (arr.length > 0)
if (/expires=/.test(arr[1]))
this.expires = arr[1].substring("expires=".length, arr[1].length)
return this.value
objCookies.prototype.set = function (name, value, expires) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + (expires ? "expires=" + expires + ";" : "") + "path=/;" + ";"
this.allcookies = document.cookie
objCookies.prototype.setWithDelay = function (name, value, delay) {
// delay is in millisecond
var d = new Date()
d.setTime(d.getTime() + delay)
this.set(name, value, d.toGMTString())
objCookies.prototype.kill = function (which) {
if (this.get(which))
this.set(which, null, "Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT")
function objHTMLparser(str) {
this.html = str
objHTMLparser.prototype.parse = function (elmt, str) {
	if (str !== null)
		this.html = str
	if (this.html.indexOf("<" + elmt) == -1 || this.html.indexOf("</" + elmt + ">") == -1)
		return null
	var arr1 = this.html.split("<" + elmt)
	var elmts = new Array()
	for (var cpt = 1 ; cpt < arr1.length ; cpt++) {
		var el = new Object()
		el.innerHTML = arr1[cpt].substring(arr1[cpt].indexOf(">"), arr1[cpt].length).split("</" + elmt)[0]
		var prop = arr1[cpt].split(">")[0].split(/\s/g)
		for (var cpt1 = 1 ; cpt1 < prop.length ; cpt1++) {
			if (prop[cpt1].indexOf("=") != -1)
				el[prop[cpt1]] = true
				el[prop[cpt1].split("=")[0]] = prop[cpt1].substring(prop[cpt1].indexOf("="), prop[cpt1].length)
		elmts[cpt-1] = el
	this.elmts[elmt] = elmts